The Voice Project
Project History/Goals

The Voice was originally a single edition political newspaper, created by a friend as a senior project.  Some time afterwards she said that I should continue it.  Whether the suggestion was in jest or sincerity, I took her up on it.

The original was fortunate enough/unfortunate enough to have the upcoming 2000 election to base much of the material on.  For this online edition, the scope is going to be broadened a bit more.  This can best be described in the three-fold mission statement.

1)  To gather real information on events/issues/ideas which are important for everyone to know something about, in order to be able to fufill their responsibility as an American, and as a World citizen.

2)  To encourage everyone, especially young people, to think seriously about these things, and to discover their own veiwpoints and beliefs on them.

3)  To provide a forum for the interchange of these viewpoints, particularly in the manner of well thought out and organized 'articles'.

The Voice Project is not exactly a newspaper, but it's not exactly just a message board either.  Instead, it is a basis for the serious but compact purusal of all things 'political' in this day and age.  

For information on 'articles' and what goes in one, check out The Article.